FAQs - Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Support
You likely have a lot of questions about how this all works. From payment to logistics, we've got the answers for you here. We support your family with whatever choices feel right for you. 0% judgement. 100% commitment.
About Lactation Consultants
A lactation consultant is a professional who is trained to support parents and infants, in all areas of infant feeding. That includes breastfeeding, bottle feeding and pumping.
There are a number of steps involved in becoming a Lactation Consultant - also referred to as an LC or IBCLC.
IBCLC candidates must complete a number of Health Sciences courses, at a University level.
They also need to obtain 95+ hours of Breastfeeding specific education.
Additionally, they must complete at least 500 hours of supervised (by an experienced IBCLC) clinical hours. Often, they are also completing assignments at this time, directed by their IBCLC mentor.
Lastly, they must write a rigorous exam and with a passing score of 70-75%.
Lactation Consultants must re-certify every 5 years, by either writing an exam or completely 75+ hours of continuing education credits, to maintain the IBCLC credential.
IBLCE is the governing body for IBCLCs.
Logistics of Our Support
We offer in home support and virtual support, across the city of Toronto.
We also see families at a Toronto based lactation clinic (Kindercare Pediatrics), that specializes in infant feeding (breastfeeding, bottle feeding and pumping) and tongue ties.
Once you’ve chosen a package and submitted your first payment, we’ll ask you to complete e-intake and consent forms.
Then we’ll select the dates for your session (s) and text and email support support begins immediately.
If you've booked a postpartum session before your baby is born, I ask that you text or email me once your baby arrives.
We'll then schedule our visit around discharge, your baby's pediatric or doctor's visit, and my schedule.
I aim to be with people with in 1-3 days of a request. But It truly is all schedule dependent!
Our typical in person sessions run for 1.5 to 2 hours for a breast/feeding session. This includes taking a full history, watching your baby feed and creating a care plan, that you can confidently implement when we’re gone.
You’ll also have access to us for post session follow up questions, for 2 weeks.
Once you sign on with us, we’ll discuss dates and timing further, as our availability does shift. In a nutshell, we’re available for in person weekday visits between the hours of 9:30 am and 2:30 pm, with some weekend and evening availability.
In home support packages include 2 weeks of follow up communication. This includes 1 phone or video call and 2 emails across the 2 weeks.
Additional phone calls and email support may be added, if you need.
I am to respond within 24-48 hours of receiving a message.
Phone and video calls must be scheduled.
Thanks for asking! We always like to know if we’re entering a home with pets. The majority of our team are allergy free and feel comfortable with dogs & cats - snakes on the other hand…
Yes! I encourage people to book prenatally, if they are thinking they'd like to have lactation and infant feeding support, once their baby is born.
I ask for a 50% deposit to secure your spot. We will then remain in touch and you'll let me know when your baby has been born.
Based on our schedules - your discharge, the first doctor's visit for baby and my schedule, we'll settle on our in home visit date.
I aim to see people within 1-3 days of when support is requested. Generally, the best time to see new babies is in the first week of baby's life. A follow up visit is often very beneficial in week two (and/or later, as needed).
Cost, Payments and Rescheduling
To reserve your spot in advance, a 50% deposit is required. Full payment, for your sessions, is required before - or directly after - our scheduled time together.
Payments can be made by e-transfer, PayPal and we also accept payment via credit card.
Additional fees may be added post visit, if you choose to purchase a breast pump fitting ($50), breast pump flanges ($18), Nursicare pads ($24), and/or additional support ($195 for follow up in home support).
HST will be added to your invoice.
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, we are not able to offer refunds. Covid-19 has increased our ability to be flexible. In the past 2 years we have had to rejig support offerings, for some families, by moving to online support.
We know life can be unpredictable (especially with a baby). However, we do require 24 hours notice for any changes to appointments. A $50 fee will be applied if 24 hours notice is not provided.
Our Approach to Lactation Care
So long as you’re informed, we support whatever feels right for you. We have personal and professional experience with a wide range of feeding methods, and we are able to support you in whatever feeding method you're currently using. We are also able to offer a range of tips to help you achieve any goals that you might have i.e. exclusively breastfeeding, fully bottle feeding, weaning, using a bottle, pumping etc.
At the end of the day, how you feel about feeding your baby will depend less on what method you use than on whether you felt informed and supported in your decisions. So that’s what we aim to provide for you, no matter what your preferences.
The bottom line is that we are not – in any way – here to replace your partner or any family members; rather we are there to guide and support you all.
We are here to answer your partner's and family member's questions too and share tips with them, so that they can fully engage with and support you and your baby, on your feeding journey.
Lactation and Breast/feeding sessions are catered to your needs. We always include a check in chat, as a way to debrief and catch up on how feeding and parenting is going. Every session will also include a full medical history, to make sure we’re fully supporting your unique feeding situation.
We can also offer practical help such as:
Optimizing your latch for comfort, milk production and milk transfer (getting baby enough milk).
Tips to resolve pain and damage, from feeding and/or pumping.
Specific tips for conditions such as nipple blebs, vasospasm and mastitis.
Providing information on tongue ties and how they may be affecting breastfeeding or feeding.
Optimizing the usage of feeding tools such as feeding tubes at the breast or finger feeding, bottle feeding and pumping.
Tips to transition to solid foods.
How to manage breastfeeding and back to work.
Referrals to health care professionals, for you and baby.
We do not:
Offer medical advice.
Prescribe medications.
Make decisions for you.
Judge your feeding methods, your birth or your parenting.
At your request, we can send along notes from our session and your feeding plan to your care provider. We can also refer you to appropriate medical professionals who are able to perform tongue tie releases, prescribe medication, or assess your baby’s medical needs.
We have worked with 100s and 100s of families, each with their own unique story. Chances are, we’ve supported a family in a similar situation to you, facing similar challenges.
While each story is unique, you can rest assured that we have the experience to support your breast/feeding journey fully.
Here's some experiences that we've supported:
Twins and multiples.
Tandem feeding.
Low milk supply.
Slower weight gain for baby.
Nipple pain and damage.
Pain with pumping, incorrect flange sizing and/or ineffective pump usage.
Breast and nipple pain between feedings - engorgement, vasospasm, blocked ducts and mastitis.
Using herbs and medications to support milk supply.
Breastfeeding after a difficult or traumatic birth or prolonged recovery from birth (ie forceps, vacuum, episiotomies, lengthy birth or pushing, tailbone injuries, perineal injuries, non-consensual birth practices) .
Breastfeeding after cancer.
Breastfeeding after surgeries - reduction, augmentations, biopsies, mastectomies.
Breastfeeding with health conditions such as gestational diabetes, thyroid conditions, or PCOS.
Breastfeeding with a history of physical or sexual assault.
Breastfeeding after a previous loss.
Feeding in the NICU.
Maternal hospitalization, while breastfeeding.
Re-establishing supply.
Non-latching babies.
Fussiness or sleepiness with breastfeeding or bottlefeeding.
Leaking, clicking, coughing or gagging with breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
Bottle aversion and refusal.
Infant feeding alongside infant health or physical concerns - down syndrome, heart conditions, low tone or high tone, tongue ties.
Medications and foods and understanding if they're appropriate for breastfeeding and pumping.
Storing and using expressed breast milk and formula.
Understanding hunger signs and when to know if a baby is full or needs supplementation.
Weaning - at any age.
Introducing solids.
Breastfeeding and returning to work.
I will always ask for consent before touching you or your baby.
My approach is multi faceted. We all learn in different ways and a combination of approaches tends to work best, for most people.
I will verbalize guidance on latching and feeding management techniques and I will provide hands on support, where needed.
Many people will visit clinics or have other visits with practitioners, who did the adjustments for them. I often hear "it worked when they did it but I can't make it work!".
I want you to feel like you can apply the techniques when I leave, which means applying them on your own, during our visit.
As part of our visit, I will examine your baby's mouth, with your permission. I will use cleaned and gloved hands.
Yes! While masking rules are now relaxed, I am happy to wear a mask, upon request.
I will wear a mask during heavy transmission times or cold, flu or Covid-19. I will also wear a mask if someone in my household is sick.
I will reschedule our visit if I am sick myself.
I also wash my hands as soon as entering any home and regularly during my clinic days. I wear gloves whenever I touch any parent or baby.
All of my equipment is cleaned and sanitized after each use.
As an IBCLC I am not able to officially diagnose a tongue tie.
However, I can examine your baby's mouth and give you information on the appearance and the mobility of their tongue.
I can also refer you to Toronto based clinics (like the one I work at) that specialize in tongue ties.
Additional & Follow Up Care
Yes! We offer private pre- or post-natal yoga and pilates (by request), private childbirth education, birth support, infant sleep education, babywearing education, and postpartum doula support.
That said, we do share a lot of knowledge related to these areas as part of our sessions.
For example, we can discuss and provide practical strategies related to infant sleep, as well as explore normal baby growth and development, and how to support whatever stage your baby is in.
Feeding a baby is a very new and overwhelming world. Many people need or want multiple appointments. Whether it's to set you up for a good start or down the road, with new challenges, when introducing solids, or weaning from breastfeeding, I'm happy to see you again.
I often see people 2-5 times across their feeding journey.
In home follow ups are a reduced rate from the initial appointment ($195)
Phone calls can be booked on an as need basis and will be charged at a rate of $35/20 minute call.
There is also the option to see me in clinic. Our first visit is OHIP subsidized, with a referral from your baby's doctor. Additional visits are $70/visit.
I’d love to chat!